Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's So Emmett

Emmett, you only have one more year left at home with me before you have to go to school all the time.  What do you want to do?
Play Legos!

I love this little boy - he won't let you cut his hair, and he doesn't want it fixed.  He won't wear clothes that fit him. He likes the pants with the holes in them.  And he loves Legos.  Of anything we could have chosen to do in this world, he wanted to play with Legos.  We're living the dream!
It was Grandpa Tenney's birthday TWO WEEKS AGO.  The "day of" happened to also be a Sunday.  After church we were planning to go to my parents for my dad's birthday and to watch my youngest brother open his mission call.  Unfortunately, we told Emmett about our plans for the day BEFORE church, and he made it clear (imagine tantrums and tears) that he WASN'T GOING TO CHURCH.  He wanted to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and see Heber open his mission call RIGHT NOW.  It was all we could do to help him see logic and understand that we had to wait, but it didn't work.  After frustration on all sides, Mitchell had a miracle happen - he took a deep breath and began thinking from his frontal lobe - that's why he's a great parent...he was doing this naturally....I have to consciously tell myself to breathe in order to get similar results.  At any rate, we told Emmett that we could wrap Grandpa's present before church, and Emmett got his mischievous thinking cap on - "Let's wrap it in Christmas paper."  Don't be fooled - he was still being a stinker about church, and he wasn't cracking a smile quite, yet, but the distraction was slightly promising - that's when Mitchell was brilliant and let Emmett know that there was princess wrapping paper in the garage.  The deal was sealed, and Emmett was focused completely on playing a joke on Grandpa by wrapping his gifts in girlie princess wrapping paper.  And yes, he smiled, just enough to forget briefly that we were still going to church.  Mitch helped Emmett meticulously make sure the princesses were exactly on the package so Grandpa knew it was GIRL wrapping paper.
We made it to church and he loved his Primary class, even though he didn't want to go at 8am.  Then we went to my parent's house.  Heber opened his call to Tampico Mexico.  Then the neighbor's had the cops trying to make an arrest.  I had a meeting after that.  My dad finally cooked his own birthday dinner.  We ate at 8pm. Emmett tried to be sneaky and he told Grandpa, "You're going to like your presents; they're NOT ties!" (Which of course gave it away, because we gave him ties!) And somehow by the time presents and cake were happening, Emmett had fallen ASLEEP!  So much for the wrapping paper joke!
Well Grandpa was nice and he only opened one of his ties on his birthday.  He saved the other one for when Emmett would be awake and around.  Emmett got to enjoy watching the present get opened today, and the look on his face was priceless!  He was so pleased with himself for the joke he played on Grandpa, and it made him feel special that Grandpa waited to open it when he could see.


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