Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Funny Conversations

D-Jo:  Remember, there are salt water animals and freshwater animals, and the salt water animals would die in a lake or river, so they have to stay in the ocean.  And the goldfish and other freshwater animals can only live in the lakes because the ocean is too salty.
Tyson:  Let's just mix the sea water and the fresh water together.
D-Jo:  You can't really do that, because then the salty water wouldn't be salty enough for the salt water animals, and the freshwater wouldn't be good enough for those animals and they would both die.
Tyson:  Okay, well then the catfish and the dogfish will just need to stay in the freshwater at Lake Powell.
D-Jo:  Right.  : )

D-Jo: (Reading) Rinoceros are the only animals with horns on their noses.
Tyson:  What about Triceratops?  Triceratops have horns.
D-Jo:  Yeah, but Triceratops are not alive anymore.
D-Jo:  No they're not, because they're dinosaurs.
Tyson:  Triceratops are alive anymore!
D-Jo:  Really?  Where?
Tyson:  They are alive at the jungle!!!!

Tyson (to me & Mitch):  I love you both more than 3 garbage trucks.
Mitch:  Are they full or empty garbage trucks?
Tyson:  (LONG pause & contemplation)  Full.  Dey are full.  I love you more than 3 FULL garbage trucks!!!

The next day:

Tyson:  Mommy, I love you more than a dead tree.
D-Jo:  Thanks, son, I love you more than a dead tree, too.


  1. Tyson is a doll! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stage!!! He's so cute, thanks for sharing Deej! PS Aren't you glad you found him at Disneyland?! :)

  2. That kid is too cute for his own good

  3. What a funny kid, I love it! And seriously so sweet about him loving to pray to Jesus so much! That just melts my heart!

  4. I absolutely love when you post the things Tyson says. They are so cute and hilarious to read. You are doing an awesome job as a mom to your kids Deej. You and Mitch are great parents. We love you guys!

  5. Oh my goodness! HILARIOUS! I was chuckling reading this, and Rich came over and asked what was so funny! Tyson is one awesome little boy! You are so good to write these things down too.


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