Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to My Life: Beautiful and Mundane

Our family life hasn't been overly exciting, lately.  In fact, most of my days have felt overwhelming & filled with mundane tasks.  Despite the monotony of taking care of kids, cleaning up messes, and filling our time with a crazy schedule, I still feel like my life is beautiful.  I think I feel that way mostly because it's MY life.  No matter what it is we're dealing with that day, it's a blessing to be able to get to deal with it, and it's uniquely my lot to handle.

 Beauty:  The kid that made this mess is so cute and can destroy anything I do in record time.
Mundane:  I have to clean up this mess for the um-teenth time, when I JUST CLEANED IT an hour ago!

Beauty:  When he's so serene like this, he can't mess anything up.
Mundane:  Sleep time means we're not learning or playing together.  *Tear*  The truth of the matter is that whenever my kids take a nap, I think that I'll get something done, and for whatever reason, I just can't get as much done as I think I will.

Beauty:  Ty-Ty makes a great human pillow, and he THRIVES on the attention from his Daddy.
Mundane:  8 hours of Conference is A LOT for a little guy in one weekend.  Good thing we had coloring pages.

 Beauty:  Caden got baptized & confirmed and we got to be there.
Mundane:  Tyson's ideas trump ours.  Forget posing for a picture b/c he adamantly didn't want sun in his eyes.  : )  The other mundane part of this experience was that Emmett wasn't happy and silent throughout the entire service.  In fact, I pretty much missed most of the confirmation becuase I had to take him to the hall.  The part I heard when I cracked the door to listen was uplifting and nice, though.

Beauty:  Hearing my kids giggle as they played with boxes on their heads.
Mundane:  Someone always gets hurt and cries by the end.

Beauty:  We got invited to a really fun wedding reception--Mexican food, mariachi band, peacocks and everything.
Mundane:  It took 3 takes to get an acceptable picture with my Hubs, and in the end I still overanalyze things and worry about trying to lose more weight.  I've got to remind myself all the time to just be happy.  "Come What May and Love It"

Beauty:  We had a great trip to the Science Center.
Mundane:  OF COURSE Emmett wanted me to buy him a sucker.... WHY ON EARTH would they sell scorpion suckers?  Just to make my kid cry, I think--as if I'd ever let him suck on a candied scorpion.  What's that supposed to teach him, anyway?  NASTY. (A guy in line was actually eating one.  I asked him what he'd do when he got to the scorpio & he said he was going to eat it.  EEEEWWWW!  This is AMERICA, people, we do not need to do that.)

Beauty:  I had a helper with the dishes (Emmett).
Mundane:  I have to re-do the dishes and put all the silverware back in the right place every time he "helps" me. 


  1. I love you Debra Jo! Especially because you can see the beauty in everything. Sometimes I have to think REAL hard about the beauty! But you're right! It's always there!

    Ewwww on the scorpion sucker! That's disgusting! My Ryan would probably want one though!

  2. Isn't that what our lives as stay at home mom's is all about? It's so easy to forget to LOOK for the beauty in all the mundane tasks. If we forget to search for the sweet moments then it makes the difficult ones so much harder to appreciate. If that makes any sense...

  3. Even though I'm not a mom...yet...I agree 100% with Whitney. I'm glad you see the beauty in things. You've always been that way and it's a trait that I admire about you.

  4. HAHAHA! 100% agree about scorpion suckers! WHY?


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