Sunday, March 28, 2010

FEASTING! . . . On the Words of Christ!

This is my sweet Baby Emmett.
Check out his pastime in action. He LOVES to FEAST...
...on the words of Christ!

...on Grandma Borden's table!

...on puzzle pieces!

...on delicious dinosaurs!

And then after meal times he gives you that look that says, "Why are you looking at me like I have food ALL OVER MY FACE?"
How I love my little bottomless pit!


  1. I love this kid!! And I KNOW he loves me back ;) He is the most sweetest baby ever. What a joy to have in your home!!! Is he crawling yet??

  2. Your little bottomless pit is getting way too big too fast!! Wished we lived closer to you guys so I could partake of this sweet little one!!:) Love you guys!

  3. My kid rocks Great post deej

  4. Too cute for words! I'm collecting surrogate grandchildren until I get my own. Can I borrow yours until then?


  5. I heard from my hubbie that Sophie had her first kiss on sunday. He told me all about how cute little Emmett came from across the room to just lay one on our Sophie.... how cute, he likes to feast on other babies as well. :)
    You are the darlingest.

  6. I love his face in that last one, he looks ticked off!

  7. that is way cute Deej... I am kinda sorta back to blogging.. haha i just took a you all....

  8. This is one of my favorite posts. He is so cute D-Jo. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with your boys. You can tell they keep people entertained!

  9. dnm.bc

    Translation: "Happy Easter, Mommy!" From Tyson. : )


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