Saturday, November 7, 2009

Surprise Visit

Lindsay (Blair) Hancock surprised me yesterday with a visit! I was so excited! It meant a lot to me that she called & swung by. I haven't seen her since her wedding 3 years ago, and it was awesome to catch up. Her kids are adorable and happen to be the same ages as my kids, so we took a picture. It's so fun to have little tykes at the same age. Raylee & Tyson are both 2, and Rider & Emmett are both a few weeks old...well, Ryder is a few weeks more than Emmett, but they're still close in age. I really wish that our families lived close together like we used to, so we could see each other all the time. She's a fabulous friend, and one I miss having around.


  1. How awesome!! Can't believe she has two kids and has been married for only 2 years! WOW! She looks great! Cute picture!!!

  2. Oh, oops...I think she got married 3 years ago. : ) I'll go change that.

  3. Oh, oops...I think she got married 3 years ago. : ) I'll go change that.

  4. Having good friends makes a huge difference in life!!


Thanks for visiting!